Digital Representation of 'A Match of Crickets in Ten Rounds of Verse and Image': Text Encoding and Viewer Implementation for Japanese Poetry Match

Authors: Fujiwara, Shizuka / Nagasaki, Kiyonori / Ikuura, Hiroyuki / Morita, Teiko / Ikura, Yoichi / Matumoto, Ok / Yumie, Kato

Date: Thursday, 7 September 2023, 4:15pm to 5:45pm

Location: Main Campus, L 1 <campus:stage>


Waka poem, a type of Japanese poetry, is sometimes published simply as a collection of poems, but they often appear in various contexts. The Mushi-awase, which is the subject of this presentation, was an event held in the 18th century as part of the revival of the medieval vogue, in which dioramas were created and brought together with the theme of insects that made sounds and chirped, and waka poems were added to the dioramas to compete for the contest. It was a typical example of the restoration of dynastic culture that was popular then. A beautiful picture scroll of this Mushi-awase has been recorded and preserved today, along with its diorama. The authors decided to encode this picture scroll in accordance with TEI as part of their research on this fashion.

The diorama images, wakas, and their respective ratings and wins/losses were encoded to have a reference related to each other with ID-refs. In addition, <persName> elements are embedded in each poet appearing in the scroll, and IDs are assigned in anticipation of the future construction of a waka poet’s name authority.

In addition, we developed a JavaScript viewer for vertical writing and the image with OpenSeadragon and jQuery.

In this structure, each <l> has a different poet, currently represented by @resp. In Japanese waka poetry, in general, it is often necessary to have a poet or author for each waka, and such a structure is generally necessary. We are currently considering if it is appropriate to use @resp here or if a new dedicated attribute is needed.

In this representation, we also plan to create and provide an English translation. We hope that the world will be able to enjoy this expression even more widely.

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